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Oh No! Aunt Flo!

So let's dive right into it! I started my menstrual cycle rather early. I was a young girl heading to 5th grade. GIRL YES! 5th grade! My mother and grandmother prepared me for my monthly menstrual cycle with lessons of pads, how to sit, sleep, check myself and my seat before exiting somewhere, I was coached on hygiene, smelling nice, being discreet, how to dispose of my sanitary napkins, all of those things.

My grandmother would affectionately ask, "Are you friends in town?". (I still use this term today). One thing no one prepared me for was the destruction that my "friends" would cause while they visited! I experienced the WORST cramps for 6 days straight! There was no let up and the only way I could no longer feel the pain was PM pills and heating pads. Growing up my cramps crippled me. It was hard to function at school. My mom let me skip sometimes due to the pain. Sleepovers with friends were a NIGHTMARE. Work almost became unbearable. Pain pills would work for a couple of hours, but then I'd be right back in pain. I've taken 12-15 pills a day to ease the pain and NOTHING worked like a PM pill. In reality, I was unable to work AND take PM pills to ease my pains. It was just impossible. I felt like I'd tried every method to ease my cramps to no avail. I don't believe in birth control and around the age of 24 I was even considering BC to help me ease the pain in hopes to become a functioning menstrating woman!

One day I was Twitter and saw someone mention The Honey Pot and spoke about organic pads! It'd honestly never crossed my mind the toxic things we are inserting into our bodies with typical pads/tampons. Organic cotton tampons are free of chemical additives, don’t contain harmful deodorants, and are chlorine-free, pesticide-free, and fragrance-free. All of these years, I was either sitting on or inserting foreign and harmful chemicals into my most precious organ! I immediately went to purchase an organic brand to see if there was truly a difference. I told myself I would wait 3 cycles before truly reviewing and I must say - I was so mad at myself for not beginning sooner! I ended up choosing L. inc - for women, by women. and my LIFE HAS CHANGED FORVER. L. Inc has a one-for-one give back model: for every product sold, one is made accessible to a person who needs it which I love! After using their products, my unbearable 6 days of cramping and heavy bleeding has become a lighter 3-4 day flow. I love that the overnight pads are very long which increases security while sleeping and the ability to move freely in my sleep. And I can not forget to mention, they have a SUBSCRIPTION program!! They will ship the products to you monthly! Amazing right!? Click the here to learn more. I am so grateful for this product along with the Black Brand - The Honey Pot! Ms. Dixon changed the game with her feminine wash and hygienic wipes! I encourage all women to at least give these products a try! Periods don't have to be painful and organic feminine hygiene products have proven that to me! Along with the use of organic products I also now watch what I eat, less sugar, more water, less meats, more veggies, more tea, more physical exercise the week of my period. I urge you ladies to listen to your bodies! They will tell us exactly what they need and dislike. Have you tried organic products? How did they work out for you? Share your experiences and stories below.

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